AOS 2022/23 Financial Year

The 2022/ 23 financial year saw AOS undertake a broad range of work scopes, across an equally broad spectrum of maritime sectors. This diversity of services, clearly demonstrate the true depth of capability, experience, and competency the company possesses. These services continue into the new financial year and include;

  • ROV crew manning for multiple clients.
  • Rig Moving
  • Marine specialist advice and consultancy.
  • Offshore Catering Services for in excess of 2,000 offshore personnel.
  • Crewing for key dredging projects.
  • Rig Manning in NZ and Australia.
  • Marine and Catering crewing in NZ and Australia.
  • Vessel management of a seismic vessel. Including implementation of AOS SMS and DOC.
  • Personnel Logistics Management.
  • Manning services for offshore wind survey.
  • Maritime indigenous training programmes.
  • Skilled Immigration services.

It is a credit to the depth of knowledge and skill set of the long term AOS onshore and offshore teams, who are rightly very proud of AOS and its contribution to the Australian Maritime industry.

Tags: AOSAU, Construction, Manning, Marine, Maritime, offshore, Oil & Gas, Rig, Skilled, Vessel Management